YouTube: I created a YouTube channel in 2018 to document my filmmaking process and to create educational videos for other filmmakers. While the channel has been dormant since 2020 (hey, sometimes life gets in the way, ya know?) I still see new subscribers to the channel every day!
How to Record Clean Audio – YouTube
My most popular video, with 97K views and counting: “Choosing the Right Picture Profile.”
Extreme Close-Up with Macro Extension Tubes
The Importance of Self Care and Mental Health
Rickie Reacts: I briefly produced and edited a YouTube movie reaction channel, Rickie Reacts. Rickie posts first-time reactions to movies and TV shows. The channel is growing and it’s a lot of fun getting to experience these movies again through someone else’s eyes. This channel has been inactive for over a year, but will hopefully be coming back in 2025. Consider subscribing, you’ll have a great time!
Rickie Reacts to “Saving Private Ryan” from 1998.
Rickie Reacts to “Platoon” from 1986.
Rickie Reacts to “Big Trouble in Little China” from 1986.