Over the past few years, my brother and I have created a series of short films that all exist in the same cinematic universe, centered around the fictional "Marehannock County" in southern Virginia, near the border of North Carolina.
These films include Portent (2019), Coventown (2018), WHATEVER IT IS (2018) and its sequel Mr. Keeps (2021), our first film collaboration The Hooker and the Necrophiliac (2016), and our latest short film Self Shadow Animus (2024).
Our goal is to create an interconnected universe of supernatural horror, whether as feature films or as a streaming series. Each title would include familiar locations and characters that can cross over between the different stories, creating a unique landscape for supernatural horror storytelling.
A feature film adaptation of Portent has been written, storyboarded, and has gone through months of pre-production. We are actively seeking investing partners to help us bring this story to life. If you’re interested in developing a feature film with a group of dedicated filmmakers and a cast of talented and recognizable actors from TV shows such as Gotham, Treme, Dope Sick, Bones, American Horror Story, and more, let’s connect and make a movie!
We have countless stories and spinoffs that can be told within this dark universe, and we’re looking for partners who would like to help us bring these stories to life. The Reda Brothers are able to deliver professional quality production on a tight timeline without an overblown budget. We’re committed to affordable filmmaking as we maintain intriguing stories, polished visuals, and great performances. Follow The Reda Brothers on Instagram so you can stay up to date!